
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

How a wlnut hawker became millionaire? Must read

Ubqari Magazine - February 2016

(Muhammad Arshad Zubair, Sahiwal)

For abundance of livelihood:

this is very beneficial amal, first of all be regular in offering the namaz, one I was in need of eight lacks rupee by reciting this dua constantly for four months , I got helped by Allah almighty from unseen. I told too many and they also benefited. This is a very easy amal and these three benefits are compulsory, 1, you will have the opportunity to go for pilgrimage, 2, vehicle is given, 3, large house is also given.

IN sha Allah the recite will must be benefitted, and he will not stay, the trust and belief are the condition. One young man who was considered the most poor in his area, his financially condition went well in such a small duration. He used to sell walnuts on cart, with the abundance of livelihood, he made big and wife house as well. when he was asked that how did he got this rapid success, he told that he made this dua the companion of every second, it means that I recited it while sitting , standing, eating, drinking and every time , reciting in abundance was his routine. due to this Allah has opened His gates of Mercy and bounties for me, All these Baraka ( bounties) are due to this dua, following is the dua and the method o reciting. Start ablution with بسم الله والحمدلله, and while washing every limb keep reciting it and recite, 3 times after every Farz namz, this is the Dua  

This dua is to recite between the ablutions; it is Sunnah for the ablution. Recite 11 times the Verse number 11 of Sora Maida in the morning and evening. It’s very useful, in sha Allah, and do not forget to recite the Sora Yaseen after Fajjar and sora waqia after magrib.

Proven Amal for childless men

Those who have tried all the treatments and did not left any and all the doctors and Hakeem has told them that you cannot have children. They are spending the life in pessimism. Then come let us tell you such a rare and effective Amal through which you also will have children. Offering namaz is obligatory with this amal. I

When sit in Qa'adha in namaz then after Holy Drood recite one time  then offer sallam. Then after namaz recite 100 times 

یَاحَلِیْمُ and recite 100 times, Chapter 29, sora Dhahar's verse number﴾ after this amal if there are no germs in reproductive system then they will start generating. After reciting the amal dham on water and keep on drinking that water and keep reciting this Holy verse while sitting or walking. Do remember, if you want the amal to work and give you positive result then, develop the qualities and antiquates of Taq'qwa in your personality. Do also eat this medicine after making it.

seeds of lemon one tola, fandak one chatang, the gum of keekar one tola, the dry leaves of henna two tola, dry leaves of neem 4 masha, gring them all separately, and fill the capsules of 5 milli grams, and keep on taking in morning while in empty stomach and after Asar with lukewarm water.

Benefits: this medicine is good to clean the blood, muglaz Mani, for allergy, constipation, Gas, Tabkheer, and sarhate Anzaal. this medicine enables the productive system to have children. full course is of one month.

Tips for hepatitis:

Following are the proven and routine tips of tib:

Tip 1: burn 500 grams rewand sugar and mix the ashes of sugar with kalwanji the medicine is ready.

Dose: take 3 masha in morning and evening with honey.

Tip: 2

Take 2 kg of the leaves of papular ( cut them in small pieces) and add 4 kg water in them, put them on burner, when water remains 2 kg then take off from stove and strain hot. Drink one cup almost in the morning while empty stomach.

Tip: 3

Have the confiture of "daikon radish"(moli) take a small piece every day, this more powerful amal than sword, and then have tests after after 15 days from the lab you want.

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